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Winter civil wedding in Munich

Anastasia & Ayhan

If you’re wondering what it would be like to have a civil wedding in Munich in winter, here’s how Ana and Ayhan got married on 28th December 2023.

Why get married between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, you wonder? With Anastasia’s family traveling from the US, the holidays were the perfect opportunity to bring everyone together!

Starting with a glass of champagne at Café Reitschule, the two of them had a little date on the morning of their wedding day. Following this, they made their way to Standesamt Mandlstraße, where their family and friends were waiting expectantly. The actual ceremony at Standesamt Mandlstraße took less than 15 minutes and, as usual, was rather impersonal, but Anastasia and Ayhan made it their own by being themselves.

Their morning date, the way to the registry office, and the walk to their lunch location were captured in beautiful documentary wedding photos of the two of them simply enjoying each other’s company. Please take note of Anastasia’s epic thrifted mob wife coat; this piece made a real statement! It’s just one example that shows how having a winter wedding offers unconventional opportunities to do things differently from the crowd.

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